I'll be writing here my devlog/learning with raylib, at the same time I'll try to keep me motivated by creating my very own videogame
- Today I started my SDL2 project in VS Code. I downloaded the .tar.gz with the required files for it to work properly. I am using VS Code as my IDE.
There's a very minimal error where VS Code doesn't detect the include files of the framework, meaning the compile button of the IDE doesn't work.
But still, the makefile works just as intended even if it takes a small extra step.
- I changed the framework from SDL2 to raylib. I think the latter suits me the most in the way I learn, as it is also far more organized methinks. (Oh yeah, I switched to Visual Studio .NET, cause it's just easier that way.)
- I drew a simple golden circle that can be controlled with W, A, S, D keys. I also set up the 2DCamera.
It's extremely simple, but it's the building block for something more complex.
- I created a pixel art sample character. I also downloaded some tileset to build a world in Tiled. I am still figuring out how to export it into raylib...
It looks like export it as Json, then reading it might work, but it's still a bit tricky. That's it for today.
- I am working on the collision system. I am figuring out how to properly mesh a hitbox into the entities, so I can detect the collisions between them. I am using a rectangle where its 4 components are both the x and y position, and the width and height of the texture.
- I created some pseudo-score system, where it goes up by one when the players collides with the object. Just trying to work thing around.
- Also, I tried to make a dialog system, but it's honestly pretty crappy at the moment. I have a problem where the dialog box doesn't "follow" the new X
and Y position of the player, meaning it appears on a fixed position. I have to fix that one soon.
- I left the RPG project in stand by to focus a bit with a sorting algorithm visualizer. I coded it all (with a bit of help of similar Github projects), and them made it into a
a web build using Emscripten. I think it's kinda cool.